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(423) 562-9842 ~ Phone

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Jason Shetterly ~ Chief



fireworks safety tips

  • Children should never set off fireworks without adult supervision
  • Never shoot fireworks inside a home or business
  • Never hold fireworks in your hand
  • Never shoot fireworks toward a vehicle
  • Never shoot fireworks toward another person
  • Never take fireworks out of it's original packaging
  • Never put multiple fireworks together


facts and figures


  • In 2003, an estimated 2,300 reported structure or vehicle fires were started by fireworks.  These fires resulted in 5 civilian deaths, 60 civilian injuries, and $29 million in direct property damage.
  • In addition, 100 people were killed in a Rhode Island night club fire ignited by the indoor use of pyrotechnics in a small, crowded room with wall linings that promoted rapid flame spread.  The facility had no sprinkler protection.
  • In 2004, 9.600 people were treated at hospital emergency rooms for fireworks-related injuries.  Burns were the leading type of fireworks injury (62%).  Contusions and lacerations were second (20%), and were equal in share to burns when the injury was to any part of the head or face, including the eye.  Hands or fingers were the part of the body injured in 33% of the incidents.  In 21% of the cases, the eye was involved; other parts of the face or head accounted for 21% of the injuries.
  • Children aged 5-9 face the highest risk of fireworks injuries.  In 2004, 55% of people injured by fireworks were under the age of 20, with 40% of the injuries incurred by those under age 15.  The highest injury rate relative to population was for ages 5 to 9, with 2.2 times the rise for the entire population.
  • Males accounted for three-fourths (75%) of fireworks injuries.
  • From 1998 to 2002, eight people per year, on average, were killed in fires started by fireworks.  Six people per year, on average, were killed directly by fireworks.
  • In 2003, fires started by fireworks caused $58 million in direct property damage to structures.
  • Based on the amount of time and quantities in use, fireworks pose a higher risk of fire death than any other consumer product.  Although cigarettes are the leading cause of fire death, the risk that someone will die from fire when fireworks are being used is three times the corresponding risk when cigarettes are burning.
  • On Independence Day in a typical year, fireworks cause more reported outdoor fires in the United States than all other causes of outdoor fire combined.
  • Five states ban the use of fireworks by consumers (DE, MA, NJ, NY and RI).  The other 45 states and the District of Columbia permit some or all consumer fireworks.

Statistics compiled by the National Fire Protection Association.  (c)2006